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What better way to start off my DOONA DIVES (books you should add to your TBR pile, stat) than with a book that made me sob, made me laugh and reminded me what the hell I read romance for.
I’ve been in love with P Jameson’s books for aaaaaaaages. Like I’ve read pretty much every paranormal shifter romance book she’s written. And my favorite series to date, though there have been many, is her DIRT TRACK DOGS: THE SECOND LAP. It’s centered on a group of sassy vixen shifters on the run from their oppressive den culture and who are out to carve up their own destiny, on and off the track. And believe me, these girls can ride!
P Jameson had some new releases coming out over the holiday season so, remembering how much I enjoyed this book the first time round, I re-read it as a leader back into the world. And damnit, if Hot Rod Turner & Seraphina’s story didn’t hit me *right in the feels* all over again! I couldn’t put it down. So this week’s DOONA DIVES book recommendation is DIRTY FIGHT and it’s my gift from me to you, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
With love,
M.S. xox